Deer Management
In recent years deer management, particularly for the upland herd, has changed beyond recognition and now requires a suite of different services to allow sustainable deer management to go forward. The packages we offer are adaptable to each individual setting, be they upland or lowland.
The essence of good deer management is to be pro-active rather than reactive and to make deer management decisions focused on credible targets and measured results.
Currently we offer deer management and sporting management services throughout Scotland.
From a commercial hunting point of view, we are experiencing particular demand from our client base for Sika, Red and Roe deer stalking and are looking for partner estates with a similar ethos to offer our clients a wider choice in locations. This enables us to expand our portfolio of what we deliver and offer extremely competitive rates. We can also give you access to markets that you may not have had involvement in before including the far east and North America. Alongside this, we have a strong track record in delivering high quality deer management, offering a suite of services including habitat monitoring, population census work along with targeted, evidence-based deer control. Contract protection and live capture is also a regular activity for our team who spend the whole year engaged in wildlife management, working with a host of species including re-introduction programs both nationally and internationally.
Currently we are Scotland’s only guide and outfitting company marketing sport hunting opportunities directly to the world market and providing wildlife management services to clients on a contract basis in the following structure.
· Gold Package - We manage every element of the sporting and wildlife management include population assessment, grazing impact monitoring and personnel to carry out all functions and marketing on a defined estate or area throughout the year. This can be on a lease basis or an open book cost-income basis where both parties share the benefit of the income and an equal share of the costs. In these scenarios, the endeavour is to try to use local accommodation on the partner Estate or within the local community.
· Silver Package - We provide support in the management of wildlife and sporting activity, assisting in census and monitoring work and upskilling staff to meet our customer promise and marketing the sporting opportunities for an agreed percentage but not seeing through to completion the customer journey.
· Bronze Package - we provide support and management advice on a task by task basis at an agreed daily rate and market sport on the estate's behalf up to the completion of booking on a by the booking commission.
We strongly believe in community engagement and involvement and try in all areas to either add value to hunting opportunities by the local community which they own, such as crofting townships and community ownership projects. When this is not available, we offer an element of the sporting/hunting available at a reduced tariff to create local opportunity.
With over 40 years experience in the field, in both the public and private sector, we lead a team of very competent contractors and are currently engaged in creating training opportunities for the local community and for highly skilled personnel through Project Artemis, which gives us access to manpower and resources to enable us to cull and extract deer from the most arduous places.